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About Me
Jeff Walters has been a freelance photographer for 25 years, with a knack for capturing stunning images that tell a story. In that time, he has served under four Assembly Speakers, and has been hired to photograph both President Obama, and then, Vice President Biden.
Jeff has a passion for documentarian and portrait photography, and he has been recognized for his artful landscapes. His images have graced the cover of prestigious wedding magazines and coffee table books sold around the world.
His commitment to creativity has earned him the 2021 Adobe Creativity in Government Award. Currently, Jeff is the lead photographer for the CA State Assembly Democratic Caucus where not long ago he was assigned to shadow the Dalai Lama for 6 hours.
Jeff Walters is the go-to source for storytelling photographs that capture the essence of the moment. With a career spanning two decades, Jeff has the experience and passion needed to create stunning images that last a lifetime.